If the end mark is correct,write correct.if it is not correct,write the sentence with the correct end mark.

1/what should I draw!
The answer:not correct,,What should I draw?

2/think of something funny?
The answer:not correct,,,Think of something funny.

3/help,this is harder than it looks?
The answer :not correct,,,help this is harder than it looks.

Please,,are my answers correct or no?

All are correct.

Please note, though, that some writers would end sentence 3 with an exclamation point.

To determine if the end mark is correct in a sentence, we need to consider the type of sentence and the appropriate punctuation mark. Here are the corrections for the sentences you provided:

1. "What should I draw!" - Correct (ends with an exclamation mark).
2. "Think of something funny?" - Correct (ends with a question mark).
3. "Help, this is harder than it looks!" - Correct (ends with an exclamation mark).

In all three cases, the end mark is correct, so we would write "correct."