Watershed's affect our environment because without watershed's we wouldn't be able to transport water to nearby lakes,streams, rivers, etc. The water comes from precipitation that falls on to a certain land called watershed and then drains the water to streams.

This is my answer to how does watershed's affect our enviorment? Does it make sense please help and edit it for me. Please and Thank you

That's a good start. I recommend that you add more information from the two sites I posted for you.

Your explanation about how watersheds affect our environment is generally accurate. Watersheds indeed play a crucial role in transporting water to nearby lakes, streams, rivers, and other water bodies. Precipitation falls onto a specific area of land called a watershed and then drains into streams, which eventually flow into larger bodies of water.

However, to enhance your explanation, here are a few suggestions for editing:

"Watersheds have a significant impact on our environment because they are responsible for collecting and distributing water to various ecosystems. When precipitation, such as rain or snow, falls onto a specific land area known as a watershed, it acts as a natural basin that collects and channels the water. This collected water then drains into streams, which serve as the primary pathways for transporting water to nearby lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water.

By efficiently managing this water movement, watersheds contribute to water availability and supply for plants, animals, and human communities. They help maintain healthy ecosystems by regulating water flow, replenishing groundwater sources, and supporting various aquatic habitats. Moreover, watersheds also aid in preventing soil erosion by controlling the rate at which precipitation runs off the land and reducing the likelihood of flooding or drought.

In summary, the functionality of watersheds is essential for our environment as they enable the distribution and transport of water, nourishing ecosystems and supporting various life forms. Their impact extends beyond the realm of water availability, contributing to the overall health and sustainability of our environment."

Please note that you may further customize or add more information based on the specific context or subject of your explanation.