Read the following Papago song. Identify it's purpose.

No talking, no talking.
The snow is falling.
And the wind seems to be blowing backward.

( 1 point )

A.) to inform
B.) to persuade
* C.) to analyze
D.) to express

Ahem, Ms. Sue? BE MORE SPECIFIC, PLEASE. My teacher will tell me all the time, "You cant just use I agree or disagree, that is not useful in any way." You a troll?

In order to determine whether your answer is correct, let's analyze the given Papago song and its purpose together.

To identify the purpose of a text, it is important to consider the overall tone, language, and content. The purpose of a text refers to the reason or intention behind its creation. In this case, we have the following Papago song:

"No talking, no talking.
The snow is falling.
And the wind seems to be blowing backward."

From this excerpt, it is clear that the song does not aim to inform the reader about a specific topic or provide factual information. It also doesn't appear to be persuading the reader to hold a particular viewpoint or take a certain action.

Instead, this song expresses a description of the setting or environment. It evokes a sense of stillness, as indicated by the repeated phrase "no talking." The mention of snow falling and the wind blowing backward creates a vivid image of a calm yet unusual moment. It focuses on emotions and sensations rather than presenting an analysis or argument.

Based on this analysis, the most suitable answer would be:

C.) to express

Therefore, if you chose option (D) to express, your answer is correct! Well done!

I disagree.