True or false during dry weather the water level in a small pond drops because of runoff. I think it's true but I'm not sure

And in the water cycle water returns to earth as condensation usually in the form of rain or snow. Is that true? And when water vapor leaves it is evaporation?

The water level drops, but it's not because of run-off.

Water returns to the earth as rain or snow.

Your last statement is correct.


So the one with run off is false but then what would it be

The answer I got was true... it is the runoff i think

For the first question, during dry weather, the water level in a small pond usually drops because of evaporation, not runoff. Runoff refers to the flow of water over the land's surface, typically after rainfall or when there is excess water. However, in dry weather, there is generally minimal rainfall, leading to less or no runoff. Instead, the water in the pond evaporates due to the heat and dry air. So, the statement is false.

Regarding the second question, water does indeed return to Earth as condensation, usually in the form of rain, snow, or other forms of precipitation. The water cycle involves various stages, including evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection. Evaporation occurs when water changes from a liquid to a vapor (water vapor), and condensation is the process in which water vapor converts back into liquid water. This condensed water then forms clouds, which eventually release the collected moisture as rain, snow, or other forms of precipitation. Therefore, the statement is true.

It's great that you're seeking clarification and wanting to understand the concepts better. If you have any more questions or need further explanations, feel free to ask!

well what is it