Which of the following statements about the Platt Amendment is true?

A - It guaranteed that Cuba would be independent by 1915.
B - It prevented the United States from intervening in Cuban foreign affairs.
C - It essentially made Cuba a U.S. protectorate.
D - It opened up territory in Cuba to a variety of foreign powers.

Please and thank you!



The correct answer is:

C - It essentially made Cuba a U.S. protectorate.

To identify which of the statements about the Platt Amendment is true, we need to understand what the Platt Amendment was and its implications. The Platt Amendment was an amendment to the Army Appropriations Act of 1901, which gave the United States control over Cuba's foreign policy and allowed for U.S. military intervention if necessary. Here are the explanations for each statement:

A - It guaranteed that Cuba would be independent by 1915.
This statement is not true. The Platt Amendment did not guarantee Cuba's independence by a specific date. Instead, it focused on establishing conditions under which the United States could intervene in Cuban affairs.

B - It prevented the United States from intervening in Cuban foreign affairs.
This statement is not true. The Platt Amendment allowed the United States to intervene in Cuban foreign affairs and gave the U.S. control over Cuba's foreign policy.

C - It essentially made Cuba a U.S. protectorate.
This statement is true. The Platt Amendment essentially made Cuba a U.S. protectorate by allowing the U.S. to control aspects of Cuba's governance and foreign policy. It gave the U.S. the authority to intervene in Cuban affairs and established U.S. naval bases on the island, including Guantanamo Bay.

D - It opened up territory in Cuba to a variety of foreign powers.
This statement is not true. The Platt Amendment did not open up territory in Cuba to foreign powers; instead, it granted the United States with control and influence over Cuba.

Therefore, the correct option is C - It essentially made Cuba a U.S. protectorate.