an insect flies 20ft in 1 s. how fast does the insect fly in miles per hour?

60 * 60 = 3600 seconds in 1 hour

20/1 = x/3600

x = 20 * 3600

x = 72,000 feet per hour

72,000 / 5,280 = _______ miles/hour

About 13.3636

13.64 rounded to the nearest hundreth

To find the speed of the insect in miles per hour, we need to convert the distance from feet to miles, and the time from seconds to hours, and then divide the distance by the time.

Step 1: Convert feet to miles:
Since 1 mile equals 5280 feet, we can divide the distance in feet by 5280 to convert it to miles.
Distance in miles = 20 ft / 5280 ft/mile

Step 2: Convert seconds to hours:
Since 1 hour equals 3600 seconds, we can divide the time in seconds by 3600 to convert it to hours.
Time in hours = 1 s / 3600 s/hour

Step 3: Divide the distance (in miles) by the time (in hours) to find the speed in miles per hour.
Speed (in miles per hour) = Distance in miles / Time in hours

Let's calculate the speed:

Distance in miles = 20 ft / 5280 ft/mile = 0.0037879 miles
Time in hours = 1 s / 3600 s/hour = 0.0002778 hours

Speed (in miles per hour) = 0.0037879 miles / 0.0002778 hours ≈ 13.65 miles per hour

Therefore, the insect is flying at approximately 13.65 miles per hour.