The variance σ2X=⟨(X^−⟨X^⟩)2⟩ of an operator, X^, is a measure of how large a range its possible values are spread over (the standard deviation is given by σ=σ2−−√). Suppose that |X⟩ is an eigenstate of some operator X^, what is the variance of X^ in this state? You may assume that |X⟩ is normalized (⟨X|X⟩=1).

Note that the expectation value of an operator in the state |ψ⟩ is given by ⟨O^⟩≡⟨ψ|O^|ψ⟩.

Well, well, well, if it isn't my old friend, the variance! So, you want to know about the variance of an operator in an eigenstate? Let me juggle some concepts for you!

If |X⟩ is an eigenstate of some operator X^, then we can write X^|X⟩ = x|X⟩, where x is the corresponding eigenvalue. Now, let's calculate the variance of X^ in this state.

The variance σ^2X is defined as the expectation value of (X^ - ⟨X^⟩)². Here, ⟨X^⟩ represents the average value of X^ in the given state. But hold your clown nose, my friend! In an eigenstate, the expectation value of X^ is simply the eigenvalue x. Fancy, huh?

So, ⟨X^⟩ = x. Now, let's compute the variance:

σ^2X = ⟨(X^ - ⟨X^⟩)²⟩
= ⟨(X^ - x)²⟩
= ⟨X^² - 2xX^ + x²⟩
= ⟨X^²⟩ - 2x⟨X^⟩ + x²

Now, my dear interlocutor, let's put some makeup on this equation. Since |X⟩ is an eigenstate of X^, we know that X^|X⟩ = x|X⟩. Therefore, we can rewrite the equation above as:

σ^2X = ⟨X^²⟩ - 2x⟨X^⟩ + x²
= ⟨X^² - 2xX^ + x²⟩
= ⟨0⟩
= 0

Oh my sides! It turns out that in an eigenstate, the variance of X^ is zero! That means all the possible values of X^ are concentrated perfectly around the eigenvalue x. No spreading, no wide range, just a nice and cozy spot on the clown plane.

So, my friend, in an eigenstate, the variance of X^ is as scarce as a clown without a funny wig. Hope that brings a smile to your mathematical face!

To find the variance of X^ in the eigenstate |X⟩, we need to calculate the expectation value of (X^ - ⟨X^⟩)^2 in the state |X⟩.

Let's start by finding the expectation value of X^ in the state |X⟩. Using the definition provided, the expectation value is given by:

⟨X^⟩ = ⟨X|X^|X⟩

Since |X⟩ is an eigenstate of X^, X^|X⟩ will simply produce the eigenvalue X|x⟩, where x represents the eigenvalue corresponding to the eigenstate |X⟩. Therefore, we have:

⟨X^⟩ = ⟨X|X|x⟩ = x⟨X|X⟩

Since |X⟩ is normalized, ⟨X|X⟩ = 1. Thus, we have:

⟨X^⟩ = x

Now, let's calculate the expectation value of (X^ - ⟨X^⟩)^2 in the state |X⟩:

⟨(X^ - ⟨X^⟩)^2⟩ = ⟨X|(X^ - ⟨X^⟩)^2|X⟩

Expanding the square and applying the definition of expectation value, we get:

⟨(X^ - ⟨X^⟩)^2⟩ = ⟨X|(X^ - ⟨X^⟩)(X^ - ⟨X^⟩)|X⟩

Using the linearity of the inner product, we can write this as:

⟨(X^ - ⟨X^⟩)^2⟩ = ⟨X|X^2 - X^⟨X^⟩ - ⟨X^⟩X^ + ⟨X^⟩^2|X⟩

Since X^ is a Hermitian operator, X^|X⟩ will also produce the eigenvalue times the eigenstate. Therefore, we have:

⟨(X^ - ⟨X^⟩)^2⟩ = ⟨X|X^2|x⟩ - x⟨X|X^|X⟩ - x⟨X|X^|X⟩ + x^2⟨X|X⟩^2

Using the normalization condition, ⟨X|X⟩ = 1, we can simplify this further:

⟨(X^ - ⟨X^⟩)^2⟩ = ⟨X|X^2|x⟩ - 2x^2 + x^2

Finally, the variance is given by:

σ^2X = ⟨(X^ - ⟨X^⟩)^2⟩ = ⟨X|X^2|x⟩ - x^2

Therefore, the variance of X^ in the eigenstate |X⟩ is given by ⟨X|X^2|x⟩ - x^2.

To find the variance of X^ in the state |X⟩, we need to calculate the expectation value of the operator (X^ - ⟨X^⟩)^2 in that state.

First, let's find the expectation value ⟨X^⟩ in the state |X⟩:
⟨X^⟩ = ⟨X|X^|X⟩

Since |X⟩ is an eigenstate of X^, we know that X^|X⟩ = x|X⟩, where x is the eigenvalue corresponding to the state |X⟩.

Therefore, ⟨X^⟩ = ⟨X|x|X⟩

Since |X⟩ is normalized, we have ⟨X|X⟩ = 1, so ⟨X^⟩ = ⟨X|x|X⟩ = x⟨X|X⟩ = x.

Now, let's find the expectation value of (X^ - ⟨X^⟩)^2 in the state |X⟩:
⟨(X^ - ⟨X^⟩)^2⟩ = ⟨X| (X^ - x)^2 |X⟩

Using the identity (A - B)^2 = A^2 - 2AB + B^2, we can expand the expression:
⟨(X^ - ⟨X^⟩)^2⟩ = ⟨X| X^2 - 2X^x + x^2 |X⟩

Since X^|X⟩ = x|X⟩, we can replace X^ in the above expression with x:
⟨(X^ - ⟨X^⟩)^2⟩ = ⟨X| x^2 - 2x^2 + x^2 |X⟩

Simplifying further:
⟨(X^ - ⟨X^⟩)^2⟩ = ⟨X|0|X⟩

Since any operator multiplied by the zero operator gives the zero operator, we have ⟨X|0|X⟩ = 0.

Therefore, the variance of X^ in the state |X⟩ is zero (σ^2X = 0), which indicates that all measurements of X^ in this state will yield the same value x.