Which of the following is not true of parenthetical elements?

A. The information they supply is necessary for the sentence to make sense.
B. The information they supply can modify the subject or the verb.
C. They provide additional detail.
D. They require commas to set them off.

I picked A, because sometimes the added information isn't necessary for the sentence to make sense.

Am I right or wrong with my thinking?

http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/commas.htm <~~See #4 here.

I think the answer is D AND C. What a badly written question that is.

You are right. :-)


You're welcome.

Your thinking is correct. Option A, which states that the information supplied by parenthetical elements is necessary for the sentence to make sense, is not always true. Parenthetical elements, also known as parentheses or bracketed elements, are non-essential information that provides additional detail. They can be removed from the sentence without affecting the core meaning or grammatical structure. Therefore, parenthetical elements are not necessary for the sentence to make sense. In this case, you are right, and option A is not true of parenthetical elements.