what is the measure of an angle that is supplementary to the following angle.

An Acute angle of 57º
Answer 147º

A supplementary angle of 57 degrees is 123 degrees.

180 - 57 = 123

If the angle is supplementary to another angle that would mean it would have to be verticle to itself. Since there are 360 degrees in a circle and you are trying to figure 4 angles you do 57+57 and get 114. You then subtract that from 360 to get 246. Since you are putting that number into two angles that are verticle to each other you divide 246 by 2 to get 123 degrees. (:

To find the measure of an angle that is supplementary to an acute angle of 57º, we need to subtract the given angle from 180º (since supplementary angles add up to 180º).

180º - 57º = 123º

Therefore, an angle that is supplementary to an acute angle of 57º measures 123º.

To find the measure of an angle that is supplementary to another angle, you need to subtract the measure of the given angle from 180 degrees.

In this case, the given angle is an acute angle of 57 degrees.

To find the supplementary angle, subtract 57 degrees from 180 degrees:

180 degrees - 57 degrees = 123 degrees.

Therefore, the measure of the angle that is supplementary to the given acute angle of 57 degrees is 123 degrees.