Capital- What are ten items you need to require for the production of stained glass windows when its product is finished? Please help!

How can you need items required for the production after the product is finished?

Your question makes no sense.

Okay let me restate my question the way it is written.

Capital-Please list ten items you anticipate requiring for the production of your finished product.
The production I am doing is a stained glass window company, I am trying to understand what it is asking me.

What products did you find go into stained glass. Go back through the sites I posted for you about making stained glass.

Well the five materials used as raw materials are Copper Oxide, Cobalt, Chromium, Cadmium Sulfide, Silica (sand), and Metallic Oxide.

The way they made it was by sketching the design fist, then cartooning the outlines and leadlines on the full-sized sketch. Then, they model the pieces of glass, the trimming the proper shape. Next, they paint the outline of the glass, then they preserve the paint images in a kiln. Then, they put strips of wood to form an angel to which the glass will be laid. then, they solder the joints on both sides. Finally they glaze the stained glass and waterproof it.

I see many things you'll need to make stained glass.

Yes you do need a lot of items to make stained glass, but I only needed to list 5 of those items.

Your directions say list 10.

I am just having a hard time trying to figure out the Capital for the company when the production is finished.

Yes it does but that was for the current question now.

When production is finished, won't the company sell the stained glass and bring in money?