Computer software:$44

Sales tax:6%

Do what you did on the previous problems :P

100/100 - 21/100 = 79/100
100/100 - 6/100 = 94/100

79/100 * 94/100 * 44 = ?

Whoops, I meant

100/100 - 21/100 = 79/100
100/100 + 6/100 = 106/100

79/100 * 106/100 * 44 = ?

john is it 36.85


To calculate the final price of the computer software after applying the discount and sales tax, follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the discount amount.
Discount amount = Discount rate * Original price
In this case, the discount rate is 21% and the original price is $44.
Discount amount = 0.21 * $44 = $9.24

Step 2: Subtract the discount amount from the original price to get the discounted price.
Discounted price = Original price - Discount amount
Discounted price = $44 - $9.24 = $34.76

Step 3: Calculate the sales tax amount.
Sales tax amount = Sales tax rate * Discounted price
In this case, the sales tax rate is 6% and the discounted price is $34.76.
Sales tax amount = 0.06 * $34.76 = $2.08

Step 4: Add the sales tax amount to the discounted price to get the final price.
Final price = Discounted price + Sales tax amount
Final price = $34.76 + $2.08 = $36.84

Therefore, the final price of the computer software after applying a 21% discount and 6% sales tax is $36.84.