(-5,2)and M=0

If you mean the slope is zero in

y = mx+b, then the line is


To find the midpoint between two points and another point, you can use the midpoint formula. The midpoint formula calculates the average of the x-coordinates and the average of the y-coordinates of the given points.

Given the points (-5,2) and the midpoint M = (0, ?), we need to find the y-coordinate of M.

The formula for finding the midpoint is:
M = ((x1 + x2)/2, (y1 + y2)/2)

Let's substitute the given values into the formula:
M = ((-5 + x2)/2, (2 + y2)/2)

Since we know that the x-coordinate of M is 0, we can substitute it into the x equation:
0 = (-5 + x2)/2

Now, we can solve the equation for x2:
0 = -5 + x2
5 = x2

We have found that x2 = 5.

Now, let's substitute the value of x2 into the y equation and solve for y2:
(2 + y2)/2 = (2 + 0)/2
(2 + y2)/2 = 2/2
(2 + y2)/2 = 1

Multiply both sides of the equation by 2 to isolate y2:
2 + y2 = 2
y2 = 2 - 2
y2 = 0

Therefore, the midpoint M is given by (0, 0).