an artist can achieve this by combining similar art elements in an artwork.

To achieve a cohesive and harmonious composition in an artwork, an artist can combine similar art elements. Here's a breakdown of the process:

1. Identify the art elements: The first step is to understand the different art elements that can be utilized in an artwork. These include line, shape, color, value, texture, space, and form.

2. Analyze the artwork's theme or concept: Determine the overall theme, concept, or message that you want to convey through your artwork. This will help you make informed decisions about which art elements to use and how to combine them.

3. Choose similar art elements: Select two or more art elements that share similarities and can visually complement each other. For example, you might choose to focus on using curved lines and organic shapes or warm colors and soft textures.

4. Use repetition: Incorporate these chosen art elements throughout your artwork by repeating them in various forms. This repetition creates a sense of unity and coherence. For instance, if you are using curved lines, make sure they appear consistently in different areas of your artwork.

5. Establish balance and contrast: Balance the use of the chosen art elements to create visual harmony. Too much or too little of one element can disrupt the overall composition. Additionally, incorporating contrasting elements can add interest and dynamic tension to the artwork. For example, combining soft textures with sharp lines.

6. Experiment: Play around with different combinations of the chosen art elements. Try different placements, sizes, or arrangements to see what works best for your desired effect. Explore the possibilities and don't be afraid to make adjustments until you achieve the desired outcome.

Remember, achieving a cohesive composition through the combination of similar art elements requires practice and experimentation. Keep exploring and refining your artistic skills to find unique and compelling ways to merge these elements in your artwork.