Can someone compare both William Bradford and Thomas Morton's reasons for coming to the new world? thank you.


These sites will help you compare these two men and their motivations.

Certainly! To compare the reasons for why William Bradford and Thomas Morton came to the New World, we first need to understand a bit about their backgrounds and motivations.

1. William Bradford:
William Bradford was a Puritan who came to the New World aboard the Mayflower in 1620. The Puritans were a group of English Protestants who sought to "purify" the Church of England from what they considered to be remnants of Catholicism. They wanted to establish a society based on their strict religious beliefs, free from the influence of the Church of England.

Reasons for coming to the New World:
a. Religious Freedom: One of the primary reasons for Bradford's migration was to escape religious persecution in England and establish a community where Puritan beliefs could be practiced freely.
b. Create a Utopian Society: Bradford and the other Puritans sought to create a model society based on their religious ideals, where every aspect of life was governed by the principles of their faith.

2. Thomas Morton:
Thomas Morton, in contrast to Bradford, was not a Puritan. He was an English lawyer and trader who arrived in the New World in the early 1620s, shortly after the arrival of the Pilgrims. Morton had different motivations and intentions.

Reasons for coming to the New World:
a. Economic Gain: Morton saw the New World as an opportunity for trade and profit. He engaged in trading activities with the Native Americans and established a trading post called "Merrymount," which was primarily aimed at economic gain rather than religious devotion.
b. Escape From Restrictive Society: Morton was known for his more liberal and jovial attitude compared to the strict Puritans. He wanted to escape the strict social and religious structures of England, seeking a freer and more open lifestyle in the New World.

To summarize, while William Bradford came to the New World primarily for religious freedom and the establishment of a Puritan society, Thomas Morton came for economic gain and to escape the restraints of English society. These contrasting reasons reflect the different aspirations and motivations of the two individuals in seeking a new life in the New World.