-233 + (-233) = 0 ? is this corect?

Thank You

Not. It is wrong.

-233-233 = -466

Yes, the statement -233 + (-233) = 0 is correct.

To calculate this sum, you need to understand two key concepts: the addition of negative numbers and the commutative property of addition.

1. Addition of Negative Numbers:
When you add two numbers with the same sign (either both positive or both negative), you simply add their absolute values and keep the same sign. In this case, -233 + (-233), you can add the absolute values of 233 and 233, which is 466, and then put the negative sign in front of the sum. So, -233 + (-233) = -466.

2. Commutative Property of Addition:
The commutative property of addition states that the order of adding numbers does not affect the result. In other words, the sum of two numbers remains the same even if you change their order. So, -233 + (-233) is the same as (-233) + (-233).

Now, if you add -233 and -233 using the rules mentioned above, you get -466. So, (-233) + (-233) = -466.

Therefore, the equation -233 + (-233) = -466 is the correct sum.