explain how the distance to empty has dropped from 425 miles to 240 in just 20 minutes

You have a gas leak.

To explain how the distance to empty has dropped from 425 miles to 240 in just 20 minutes, we can make some assumptions and use basic calculations.

1. Assumption: The rate at which the distance to empty drops is constant throughout the 20 minutes.

Now, let's calculate the rate of change of the distance to empty per minute.

Rate of change = (Initial distance to empty - Final distance to empty) / Time

Rate of change = (425 miles - 240 miles) / 20 minutes

Rate of change = 185 miles / 20 minutes

Rate of change = 9.25 miles per minute

This means that, on average, the distance to empty drops by approximately 9.25 miles every minute. Therefore, after 20 minutes, the distance to empty has decreased by 9.25 miles/minute * 20 minutes = 185 miles.

Given the initial distance to empty of 425 miles, subtracting the rate of change gives us the final distance to empty:

Final distance to empty = Initial distance to empty - Rate of change * Time

Final distance to empty = 425 miles - 9.25 miles/minute * 20 minutes

Final distance to empty = 425 miles - 185 miles

Final distance to empty = 240 miles

Hence, the distance to empty has dropped from 425 miles to 240 miles in just 20 minutes.