Hi this is a rebus can you answer it?


Backward glance

I cheated. I Googled it.


What does the rebus puzzle '24 inches' mean?

Certainly! A rebus is a puzzle or riddle that uses pictures, symbols, or letters to represent words or phrases. To solve a rebus, you need to look at the given symbols or letters and try to combine them or think of different ways they can be interpreted.

Now, let's take a look at the rebus "ECNALG." To figure out the answer, we can try interpreting the symbols in different ways.

In this case, if we read the word "ECNALG" backward, it spells "GLANCE." So, "ECNALG" can be interpreted as the word "GLANCE" spelled backward.

Therefore, the answer to the rebus "ECNALG" is "GLANCE."