how many lines of symmetry does a pentagon have?

A regular pentagon has exactly five lines of symmetry.

To understand why, let's break it down step by step:

1. Start by drawing a regular pentagon. A regular pentagon is a five-sided polygon where all sides and angles are equal.
- You can draw a regular pentagon by first drawing a circle and then dividing the circumference into five equal parts.

2. Look for lines that can be drawn to divide the pentagon into two congruent halves (mirror images of each other). These lines are known as lines of symmetry.
- To find these lines, you can imagine folding the pentagon along a potential line and seeing if both halves match perfectly.

3. By analyzing the shape of the regular pentagon, you will notice that it has five lines of symmetry. Each line passes through one vertex and the midpoint of the opposite side.
- These lines can be drawn from one vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side, forming two congruent halves.

So, a regular pentagon has five lines of symmetry.