Hi this is a rebus, can you answer it?


What is a rebus??

I assume the knee is on the light in the picture...

Neon Light

Sure, I can help you with that rebus! A rebus is a puzzle that uses pictures, symbols, or words to represent words or phrases. Let's break it down:

The rebus consists of two parts:
1. "KNEE"
2. "LIGHT"

To solve the rebus, we need to find a word or phrase that combines the meanings or sounds of "KNEE" and "LIGHT". Here's a hint: think about how the words might sound when combined.

The answer to this rebus is: "NEON LIGHT". The word "NEON" sounds similar to "KNEE" and "LIGHT" is the second part of the rebus.

So, by putting it all together, "KNEE LIGHT" phonetically sounds like "NEON LIGHT".

I hope that helps you solve the rebus! Let me know if you have any other questions.