–x + 6y = 30

y = -1/6 x + 5
how do I identify the slope and the y-intercept of the equation for the second one and change the equation into slope-intercept form for the first one?

I will do the rest on my own thanks

the slope-intercept form

y = mx+b is so called because you can read off the slope and y-intercept directly from the equation: slope=m, intercept=b.

to chane to slope-intercept, just solve for y:

-x+6y = 30
6y = x+30
y = 1/6 x + 5
now you have y=mx+b as needed.

To identify the slope and y-intercept of an equation in slope-intercept form (y = mx + b), you can directly compare the equation to the slope-intercept form equation.

For the second equation, y = (-1/6)x + 5, we can identify the slope and y-intercept as follows:

1. Slope (m): The coefficient of x in the equation give us the slope. In this case, the coefficient of x is -1/6. So, the slope of the equation is -1/6.

2. Y-intercept (b): The constant term in the equation gives us the y-intercept. In this case, the constant term is 5. So, the y-intercept of the equation is 5.

Therefore, the slope is -1/6 and the y-intercept is 5 for the second equation.

To convert the first equation, -x + 6y = 30, into slope-intercept form, we need to isolate y on one side of the equation.

1. Move -x to the right side by adding x to both sides:
- x + x + 6y = x + 30
6y = x + 30

2. Divide both sides by 6 to isolate y:
(6y)/6 = (x + 30)/6
y = (1/6)x + 5

Now, the equation is in slope-intercept form (y = mx + b), where the slope (m) is 1/6 and the y-intercept (b) is 5.