1. 2n > 14

Answer: n > 7?

2. (n/5)≥ 11

Answer: n ≥ 55

3. -3y ≤ -18

Answer: y ≥ 6

1. Yep

2. Yep
3. Yep

Omg nvm that was 6 yrs ago...

But if you still remember....

Can you show the work for how you got this, I’m very confused ...



2 divide by 14 because you must do the inverse. 2n is basically 2 * n,



To solve inequalities like these, you need to perform similar operations as you would with regular equations. However, there is one crucial difference - when you multiply or divide both sides of the inequality by a negative number, you must flip the direction of the inequality.

Let's go through the process for each inequality:

1. 2n > 14:
To isolate n, divide both sides of the inequality by 2:
(2n)/2 > 14/2
n > 7

So the solution is n > 7.

2. (n/5) ≥ 11:
To isolate n, multiply both sides of the inequality by 5. Since the coefficient is positive, we don't need to flip the direction of the inequality:
5 × (n/5) ≥ 11 × 5
n ≥ 55

So the solution is n ≥ 55.

3. -3y ≤ -18:
To isolate y, divide both sides of the inequality by -3. Since the coefficient is negative, we need to flip the direction of the inequality:
(-3y)/(-3) ≤ (-18)/(-3)
y ≥ 6

So the solution is y ≥ 6.