Carlos poured 2/3 cup of juice into a glass. He drank some of the juice. There was 1/4 cup of juice left in the glass. Which is the best estimate of how much juice Carlos drank?

a. 1/4 cup
b. 1/2 cup
c. 2/3 cup
d. 3/4 cup


x=5/12 cups dranked
E. anser not here

Flare found the exact answer, but it asked for an estimate

5/12 is appr 1/2, which would be choice b)

To determine the best estimate of how much juice Carlos drank, you need to find the difference between the initial amount of juice and the amount left in the glass.

The initial amount of juice Carlos poured into the glass was 2/3 cup. The amount left in the glass is given as 1/4 cup.

To find the amount Carlos drank, subtract the amount left in the glass (1/4 cup) from the initial amount (2/3 cup):

2/3 cup - 1/4 cup = 8/12 - 3/12 = 5/12

Therefore, Carlos drank approximately 5/12 cup of juice.

However, since the answer choices are given in fractions, the best estimate would be to round the fraction 5/12 to the nearest fraction among the answer choices.

Among the given answer choices, 5/12 is closest to 1/2 (which is equal to 6/12). Therefore, the best estimate of how much juice Carlos drank is 1/2 cup, which is option b.