Lupe, Rosa y Tomás son amigos. (bueno)

Is it supposed to be buen or buenos in the empty spot? I know that an adjective is supposed to be shorted before a noun-buen but how about for plural nouns?

Sra answered your question.

In this case, since "amigos" is a plural noun, you would use the plural form of the adjective. The correct choice would be "buenos."

Now, let me explain the rule. In Spanish, normally, adjectives come after the noun. However, when the adjective comes before the noun, it has to agree in gender and number.

For singular nouns, you use "buen" before a masculine noun and "buena" before a feminine noun. For example:
- Un buen amigo (a good friend)
- Una buena amiga (a good friend)

For plural nouns, you use "buenos" before a masculine plural noun and "buenas" before a feminine plural noun. For example:
- Buenos amigos (good friends)
- Buenas amigas (good friends)

So, in the sentence "Lupe, Rosa y Tomás son amigos," since "amigos" is a plural masculine noun, you would use "buenos" to describe it.