Does anyone know a good website that shows South American countries natural resources in detail?

This is the best I could find.

Thank you, it is a good website for what I need.

You're welcome. :-)

To find a website that shows South American countries' natural resources in detail, you can follow these steps:

1. Open your web browser and go to a search engine like Google.
2. Type in relevant keywords such as "South American countries natural resources website" or "South America natural resources database."
3. Press the Enter key or click the search button to begin the search.
4. Browse through the search results and look for websites that provide detailed information on South American natural resources.
5. Open the websites that seem relevant and explore their content.
6. Evaluate the credibility and reliability of the website by checking the source, credentials, and references, if available.
7. Choose a website that you find informative, user-friendly, and reliable.
8. Navigate through the website to find specific information about natural resources in South American countries.
9. Check if the website provides detailed data, maps, charts, or any other visual representation of the natural resources in each country.
10. Explore the various categories or sections to gain a comprehensive understanding of South American countries' natural resources.

It's important to note that specific information on natural resources might vary from one website to another, so you may need to visit multiple sources to obtain a complete understanding.