Where in you body would starches start being broken down when eaten?

What process was being demonstrated when you put the three glucoses together?

What general term refers to monosaccharaides, disaccharides and polysaccharides because when they break down they give our body quick energy that used to be in the chemical bonds?

To find the answers to your questions:

1. Where in your body would starches start being broken down when eaten?
When starches are consumed, the process of digestion begins in your mouth. This is because your saliva contains an enzyme called amylase, which initiates the breakdown of starches into smaller sugars called maltose.

2. What process was being demonstrated when you put the three glucoses together?
When three glucose molecules are chemically combined, they form a larger molecule known as maltose. This process is called condensation or dehydration synthesis, where smaller molecules are joined, and water is produced as a byproduct.

3. What general term refers to monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides because when they break down, they give our body quick energy that used to be in the chemical bonds?
The general term that refers to monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides is carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the primary source of quick energy for our body. When carbohydrates break down through digestion, the chemical bonds within them release energy that can be utilized by our cells.