a small mass is suspended from along thread so as to form a simple pendulum.the period T of the oxillation depend on the mass M,the length L of the thread and the acceleration G of free fall at the place concerned so that T =km^x,L^y,G^z where K = 2pie

1. Find the values of x,y,z
2. Derive an expression relating T,M,L and G.

I need the solution

To find the values of x, y, and z, we can start by considering the variables in the equation T = kM^x L^y G^z.

1. Finding the values of x, y, and z:
We know that the units of T are in time (seconds). The only variables that have units of time are L (length) and G (acceleration due to gravity). Therefore, x and z must be 0.

Hence, T = kM^x L^0 G^0 simplifies to T = kM^x.

Now, let's consider the units of the remaining variables. The units of T are time (seconds), and the units of M are mass (kilograms). Plugging these units into the equation, we have:

seconds = k * kilograms^x.

Since the only way to get the units of kilograms to cancel out and leave us with just seconds is to have x = 1, we conclude that x = 1.

Thus, we have simplified the equation T = kM^x to T = kM.

2. Deriving an expression relating T, M, L, and G:
Now that we know x = 1, the equation T = kM^x simplifies to T = kM.

Next, we want to relate the period T to the length L and the acceleration due to gravity G. It is known that the period of a pendulum depends on the length of the pendulum and gravity in the following way:

T = 2π √(L / G).

Now we need to express T in terms of M, L, and G. Substituting the expression for T into the equation, we have:

kM = 2π √(L / G).

To isolate T, we square both sides of the equation:

(kM)^2 = (2π √(L / G))^2.

This simplifies to:

k^2 M^2 = 4π^2 (L / G),

k^2 M^2 = (4π^2 / G) L.

Finally, rearranging the equation, we get:

T^2 = (4π^2 / G) L / M^2.

Therefore, the derived expression relating T, M, L, and G is T^2 = (4π^2 / G) L / M^2.