Would pulling a roll of thread create a sinusoidal function?

please suggest some real life application of sinusoidal wave that i can experiment with...

yes, it would, if you are graphing the position of any point on the spool except the center of the axle.

anything involving a rotating object will produce a sinusoidal function. Even alternating electrical current does, since it is produced by rotating magnets.

If you want to play around with graphing, visit


where you can enter various formulas and can show up to three at a time. Makes it easy to see how tweaking the parameters affects the graph.

Pulling a roll of thread would not create a sinusoidal function. A sinusoidal function is typically represented by a sine or cosine wave, which are mathematical functions that have a specific repetitive pattern. Pulling a roll of thread would not generate such a pattern.

However, there are various real-life applications of sinusoidal waves that you can experiment with. Here are a few examples:

1. Sound Waves: Sound waves travel in the form of sinusoidal waves through the air. You can experiment with musical instruments like guitars, keyboards, or even singing to explore the properties of sound waves.

2. Electromagnetic Waves: Light waves, radio waves, and microwaves are all examples of electromagnetic waves that can be modeled as sinusoidal functions. You can experiment with different sources of light, like lasers or lamps, and explore their characteristics.

3. Waves in Water: Waves in the ocean or ripples in a pond are examples of sinusoidal waves. You can experiment with creating waves by dropping objects or by using a wave generator in a water tank or a pool.

4. AC Electricity: Alternating current (AC) electricity is another application of sinusoidal waves. You can experiment with electronic circuits, transformers, or household appliances that operate on AC power to understand its behavior.

5. Musical Instruments: Many musical instruments, such as the violin, flute, or trumpet, produce sounds with sinusoidal waveforms. You can learn to play a musical instrument and explore the relationship between the produced sounds and the underlying sinusoidal waves.

Remember, it's important to approach practical experiments safely and responsibly, and always follow guidelines or instructions provided by experts or professionals in each field.