Bunches of 6 roses were selling for $8. Anita paid $40

for roses. How many roses did she buy?

6(40 / 8) = ?

5 roses

To find out how many roses Anita bought, we can use the information given in the problem.

Step 1: Determine the cost of one bunch of roses.
We are told that a bunch of 6 roses is selling for $8. So, we divide the total cost ($8) by the number of roses in one bunch (6):
$8 ÷ 6 = $1.33 (rounded to two decimal places)

Step 2: Calculate the number of bunches Anita bought.
Since Anita paid a total of $40 for roses, we divide the total cost ($40) by the cost of one bunch ($1.33):
$40 ÷ $1.33 ≈ 30.08

Based on this calculation, Anita bought approximately 30 bunches of roses.

Step 3: Determine the total number of roses.
Since each bunch consists of 6 roses, we multiply the number of bunches (30) by the number of roses in each bunch (6):
30 bunches × 6 roses = 180 roses

Therefore, Anita bought 180 roses.