compute the unit price for products sold the program should input the name and price of an item and its weight in pounds and ounces. Then it should determine and display the unit price write a pseudo code program that will allow a user to find the unit price for an unlimited number of items using a WHILE loop statement. This loop should exit when the user enters “DONE”

To compute the unit price for products sold, you can create a pseudo code program that allows the user to input the name, price, weight in pounds, and weight in ounces of an item. Then, calculate and display the unit price. Here's an example of how you can achieve this using a WHILE loop statement:

SET total_items = 0
SET grand_total_price = 0

PRINT "Enter the name of the item (or 'DONE' to exit):"
READ item_name

IF item_name equals 'DONE' THEN

PRINT "Enter the price of the item in dollars:"
READ item_price

PRINT "Enter the weight of the item in pounds:"
READ item_weight_pounds

PRINT "Enter the weight of the item in ounces:"
READ item_weight_ounces

SET total_weight = (item_weight_pounds * 16) + item_weight_ounces
SET unit_price = item_price / total_weight

PRINT "Unit price for " + item_name + ": $" + unit_price

SET total_items = total_items + 1
SET grand_total_price = grand_total_price + item_price

PRINT "Total items: " + total_items
PRINT "Grand total price: $" + grand_total_price

This pseudo code program employs a WHILE loop, which continues until the user enters "DONE" as the item name. Within the loop, it prompts the user to enter the necessary details and calculates the unit price by dividing the item price by the total weight (converted to ounces). The program also keeps track of the total number of items and the grand total price.

Please note that this pseudo code assumes that you have a method to read and print values and perform basic arithmetic operations. You would need to replace the `READ` and `PRINT` statements with the appropriate syntax and functions based on your programming language.

Here is the pseudo code program to find the unit price for an unlimited number of items using a while loop:

Initialize total_weight and total_cost to 0

While True:
Input item_name
If item_name is "DONE":
Exit loop

Input item_price
Input weight_pounds
Input weight_ounces

Convert weight_pounds to ounces and add to total_weight
Convert weight_ounces to pounds and add to total_weight

Calculate item_cost = item_price * (weight_pounds + weight_ounces / 16)
Add item_cost to total_cost

Calculate unit_price = total_cost / total_weight

Display unit_price

End program

In the above code, the user can keep entering item information until they enter "DONE". The program calculates the total weight and cost by converting pounds to ounces and vice versa. Finally, it calculates and displays the unit price by dividing the total cost by the total weight.