1. Yesterday Josh sold some boxes of greeting cards. If he sold 25 boxes in all, how many did he sell yesterday?

2. Jana baked some muffins. After she served 13 of them to her friends at brunch, she had 17 left. How many muffins did she make?

3. A scuba diver descends to a depth of -22 meters (below sea level). The ocean floor is at a depth of -71 meters. How much farther would she need to descend to reach the ocean floor?

Thanks in advance! I don't understand how to set up the equations, so any help is appreciated. I'm not good at word problems... :/ But the more I practice, the better I'll get! :D

1. not enough information, nothing to set up

2. let the number of muffins she baked be x
x-13 = 17

3. distance remaining = -71 - (-22)

These problems are such that you don't really need any variables
Just make a statement like I did in #3 and that is your "equation"

1. To answer the first question, we can use the equation:

Number of boxes sold + Number of boxes not sold = Total number of boxes

Let's denote the number of boxes Josh sold yesterday as "x." Since he sold 25 boxes in total, we can write the equation:

x + Number of boxes not sold = 25

To solve for x, we need to find the number of boxes not sold. Since the question implies that all boxes were sold (there were no leftovers), we can assume that the number of boxes not sold is zero. Thus, the equation simplifies to:

x + 0 = 25

Simplifying further, we get:

x = 25

So, Josh sold 25 boxes of greeting cards yesterday.

2. For the second question, let's denote the number of muffins Jana made as "x". After serving 13 muffins to her friends, she had 17 left. We can set up the equation:

x - Number of muffins served = Number of muffins left

Substituting in the given values, we get:

x - 13 = 17

To solve for x, we can isolate it by adding 13 to both sides:

x = 17 + 13

Simplifying further:

x = 30

So, Jana made 30 muffins.

3. In the third question, we want to find the difference between the depth at which the scuba diver is and the depth of the ocean floor. We can use the subtraction method:

Depth at which the scuba diver is - Depth of the ocean floor = Difference in depth

Let's denote the depth at which the scuba diver is as "x". Given that the scuba diver is at a depth of -22 meters and the ocean floor is at a depth of -71 meters, we can write the equation as:

x - (-71) = Difference in depth

Simplifying the equation:

x + 71 = Difference in depth

To find the difference, we need to subtract (-71) from x:

Difference in depth = x + 71 - (-71)

Simplifying further:

Difference in depth = x + 71 + 71

Difference in depth = x + 142

So, the scuba diver would need to descend a further x + 142 meters to reach the ocean floor.