How much time would Simpson save by in- creasing his average velocity to 65.8 km/h to the east?

Answer in units of min

To determine the time saved by Simpson, we first need to find the initial and final time it would take him to travel a certain distance with different velocities.

Initial average velocity, V_initial = 0 km/h (since no initial velocity is mentioned)
Final average velocity, V_final = 65.8 km/h
Distance traveled, D = (not provided in the question)

Let's assume the distance traveled, D, is 1 kilometer.

To calculate the time it takes for Simpson at the initial average velocity (V_initial), we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Velocity

For the initial average velocity:
Time_initial = D / V_initial
Time_initial = 1 km / 0 km/h
Time_initial is undefined because division by zero is not defined.

Now, let's calculate the time it takes for Simpson at the final average velocity (V_final):

Time_final = D / V_final
Time_final = 1 km / 65.8 km/h

To find the time saved, we subtract the final time from the initial time:

Time_saved = Time_initial - Time_final

As we found earlier that Time_initial is undefined, so the time saved by increasing the average velocity cannot be determined without knowing the initial time or the distance traveled.