A car makes a 288 km trip at an average speed of 31.3 km/h. A second car starting 1 h later arrives at their mutual destination at the same time.

What was the average speed of the second car for the period that it was in motion?
Answer in units of km/h

To find the average speed of the second car for the period it was in motion, we first need to determine the total time it took for both cars to reach their mutual destination.

The first car travels 288 km at an average speed of 31.3 km/h. Using the formula Speed = Distance / Time, we can rearrange it to find the time taken: Time = Distance / Speed.

For the first car:
Time = 288 km / 31.3 km/h = 9.19 hours.

Since the second car starts 1 hour later, it will take a total of 9.19 + 1 = 10.19 hours to reach the destination.

Now, to calculate the average speed of the second car while in motion, we need to subtract the 1 hour it was stationary.

Time in motion = Total time - Stationary time = 10.19 hours - 1 hour = 9.19 hours.

The second car traveled the same distance of 288 km, so we can find its average speed using the formula Speed = Distance / Time.

Average speed of the second car = 288 km / 9.19 hours = 31.37 km/h (rounded to two decimal places).

Therefore, the average speed of the second car for the period it was in motion is approximately 31.37 km/h.