Endangered species

Group number
clams 62
birds 14 more than clams
mammals 9 fewer than birds
fish 70
insects half as many as fish
reptiles 21 fewer than insects
snails 10 more than reptiles

Write an inequality to compare the number of endangered birds and clams

I have letters representing each species.

Replace each letter with the number representing the specie.
There are 62 Clams. There are 70 Fish.

B= 14+C
M= 14+C-9

I= 1/2*F
R= 1/2*F-21
S= 1/2*F-21+10

62 < ( 62+ 14 )

To write an inequality to compare the number of endangered birds and clams, we need to assign variables to represent the number of each species.

Let's assume:
- The number of endangered clams is represented by 'c.'
- The number of endangered birds is represented by 'b.'

Given that birds are 14 more than clams, we can represent this relationship as: b = c + 14.

Therefore, the inequality to compare the number of endangered birds and clams can be written as: b > c.