What percentage of the energy budget do electrons occupy? Take the energy budget occupied by matter to be 4.4%.

(a) 3.9%
(b) 0.1%
(c) 0.03%
(d) 0.002%

Cheating on the final exam, I see. :P

Dont. Try to figure the answer out yourself!



To determine the percentage of the energy budget occupied by electrons, we first need to understand what is meant by the "energy budget." The energy budget refers to the total energy content of a system, in this case, the matter.

Given that the energy budget occupied by matter is 4.4%, we need to find the percentage specifically occupied by electrons.

To find the percentage, we divide the energy occupied by electrons by the total energy budget and multiply by 100.

Let's calculate the percentage occupied by electrons:

Percentage occupied by electrons = (Energy occupied by electrons / Total energy budget) * 100

Since the energy occupied by electrons is not provided in the question, we cannot directly calculate the exact percentage. However, based on the answer choices provided, we can make an estimation.

The answer choices range from 0.002% to 3.9%. Since the percentage occupied by matter is already 4.4%, it is likely that the percentage occupied by electrons would be much smaller.

Given this context, we can conclude that the most reasonable answer would be (d) 0.002%.