can anybody give me examples of beliefs i have a few but i need more

What do you already have?

life is more than a game

true friends are for life
no one can replace a family member

Good overcomes evil.

White men can't jump.
Work adds zest to life.
A woman's place is in the home.
Sunday is a day of rest.

Are you clear on what your teacher means by "belief"??

Here's a definition of the word in the Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy:
"To believe a proposition is to hold it to be true. The philosophical problem is to understand what kind of state of a person constitutes belief. Is it, for example, a simple disposition to behaviour? Or a more complex state that resists identification with any such disposition? Is verbal skill or verbal behaviour essential to belief, in which case what is to be said about prelinguistic infants, or nonlinguistic animals? An evolutionary approach asks how the cognitive success of possessing the capacity to believe things relates to success in practice. Further topics include discovering whether belief differs from other varieties of assent, such as acceptance, discovering whether belief is an all-or-nothing matter, or to what extent degrees of belief are possible, understanding the ways in which belief is controlled by rational and irrational factors, and discovering its links with other properties, such as the possession of conceptual or linguistic skills."

Certainly! Here are some examples of beliefs:

1. "Hard work leads to success."
2. "Everything happens for a reason."
3. "Kindness and empathy are important virtues."
4. "The pursuit of knowledge is essential for personal growth."
5. "Everyone deserves equal rights and opportunities."

To come up with more examples of beliefs, you can follow these steps:

1. Reflect on your personal values and principles. What ideas or values do you strongly believe in?
2. Consider the different areas of life, such as relationships, career, ethics, spirituality, etc. What beliefs do you hold in each of these areas?
3. Think about influential people or experiences that have shaped your beliefs. Has there been anything or anyone that significantly impacted your views on certain subjects?
4. Pay attention to current events and social issues. Are there any beliefs emerging from your observations or reactions to what's happening in the world?

By exploring these aspects, you will likely discover more beliefs that resonate with you and align with your worldview.