The GCF of two numbers is 850. Neither number is divisible by the other. What are the least two numbers these could be.

Multiply 850 by the first two prime numbers

#1 is 2(850) = 1700
#2 is 3(850) = 2550

1700 = 2x2x5x5x17
2550 = 2x3x5x5x17
GCF = 2x5x5x17 = 850
and 2550/1700≠ a whole number

How about 850*2 and 850*3 ?

Thanks, but i am still not sure of how you got it. Is there another way ?

I had this on my homework. Just múltiply until you get what thé question is asking-ex. 850x2,850x3, etc..

To find the least two numbers that have a greatest common factor (GCF) of 850 and are not divisible by each other, we need to consider the factors of 850.

The prime factorization of 850 is:
850 = 2 * 5 * 5 * 17

To get the least two numbers whose GCF is 850, we need to distribute these factors so that the numbers are not divisible by each other.

We can distribute the prime factors among the two numbers as follows:
Number 1: 2 * 5 * 17 = 170
Number 2: 5 = 5

So, the least two numbers that have a GCF of 850 and are not divisible by each other are 170 and 5.