An employee currently earning $13.65 per hour has been awarded a 3.5 merit raise. what is the employee hourly salary be with this increase.

assuming you meant 3.5%, then the new pay will be

13.65 * 1.035


To calculate the employee's new hourly salary with the merit raise, you need to first find out the amount of the raise.

To do this, you can multiply the current hourly salary by the merit raise percentage. In this case, the merit raise is 3.5%, which can be written as 0.035.

Step 1: Calculate the raise amount:
Raise amount = Current hourly salary * Merit raise percentage
Raise amount = $13.65 * 0.035

Step 2: Calculate the new hourly salary:
New hourly salary = Current hourly salary + Raise amount
New hourly salary = $13.65 + (raise amount calculated in step 1)

Now you can plug in the values to get the answer:

Raise amount = $13.65 * 0.035
Raise amount = $0.47775

New hourly salary = $13.65 + $0.47775
New hourly salary = $14.12775

Therefore, with the 3.5% merit raise, the employee's new hourly salary would be approximately $14.13.