Morgans average time to swim in a freestyle race is 29.95 seconds. which distance does she most likely Swim


I'll be glad to check your answer.

At my advanced age, I swim 50m in about 70 seconds. What does that tell you?

To determine which distance Morgan most likely swims, we can analyze the given information. The average time of 29.95 seconds suggests that Morgan is a competitive swimmer, as this is a relatively fast time for a freestyle race.

Now, let's analyze the answer choices:

1. 50mm: "mm" denotes millimeters, which is a very short distance. It is highly unlikely for someone to swim such a short distance competitively, given the average time provided.

2. 50cm: "cm" stands for centimeters, which is also a short distance. Similar to 50mm, it is unlikely for someone to swim just 50 centimeters in a freestyle race.

3. 50km: "km" represents kilometers, which is a very long distance. While competitive swimmers sometimes participate in long-distance events, a time of 29.95 seconds is exceptionally fast. It is highly improbable for someone to complete a 50km swim in that time.

4. 50m: "m" represents meters, which is a standard unit of length used for swimming competition. Given the provided information, it is reasonable to assume that the most likely distance Morgan swims is 50 meters.

Therefore, based on Morgan's average time of 29.95 seconds, she most likely swims a distance of 50 meters.