Miranda's financial aid stipulates that her tuition not exceed $1200. If college charges a $45 registration fee plus $475 per course, what is the greatest number of courses for which Miranda can register.

Miranda can register for at the most ???? courses

45+475x <= 1200

To determine the maximum number of courses Miranda can register for, we need to calculate the total cost of tuition and find the number of courses that will keep the tuition below or equal to $1200.

The formula to calculate the total tuition cost is:
Total Tuition Cost = Registration Fee + (Course Fee * Number of Courses)

Registration Fee = $45
Course Fee = $475
Maximum Tuition = $1200

Let's substitute these values into the formula and solve for the number of courses (N):

1200 = 45 + (475 * N)

First, subtract 45 from both sides of the equation:

1200 - 45 = 475 * N

1155 = 475 * N

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 475:

N = 1155 / 475 ≈ 2.43

Since Miranda cannot enroll in a fraction of a course, we need to round down to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, Miranda can register for at the most 2 courses (since 2.43 rounded down is 2 courses) while keeping the total tuition below or equal to $1200.