Find two numbers the exact answer is between.


42000 and 48000


To find two numbers between which the exact answer of 6 multiplied by 7381 lies, we can use the inequality 6 × 7381.

First, we'll calculate the product of 6 and 7381: 6 × 7381 = 44,286.

To find two numbers between which 44,286 lies, we can choose any two numbers such that one is less than 44,286 and another greater than 44,286.

Let's choose two numbers:

Number 1: 44,000
Number 2: 45,000

Therefore, the exact answer of 6 multiplied by 7381 is between the numbers 44,000 and 45,000.

To find two numbers between which the exact answer of the expression 6x7381 falls, we can evaluate the expression.

Let's calculate 6 multiplied by 7381:

6 x 7381 = 44,286

Therefore, the expression 6x7381 equals 44,286.

To find two numbers between which 44,286 falls, we can consider rounding down and rounding up to the nearest whole number.

Rounding down:

44,286 rounded down to the nearest whole number is 44,000.

Rounding up:

44,286 rounded up to the nearest whole number is 45,000.

Hence, the exact answer of the expression 6x7381 falls between 44,000 and 45,000.