
The(coding(region((ORF) is(completely(contained(in(the(second(exon.
3’(Acceptor site((all(of(them)

We cannot draw on these posts.

To draw a gene with three exons on the line below, follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a horizontal line.
Step 2: Divide the line into three equal sections. These sections will represent the exons.
Step 3: Label the regions according to the provided information.

Here is a visual representation of the gene:

Exon 1 ---- Exon 2 ---- Exon 3

Next, let's annotate the following regions:

1. TSS (Transcription Start Site): The TSS is the beginning of the gene where transcription starts. Annotate this region before the first exon.
Example: ---- TSS ---- Exon 1 ---- Exon 2 ---- Exon 3

2. 5’ UTR (Untranslated Region) - All Regions: Annotate these regions before each exon. The 5' UTR is the region of the mRNA that is not translated into protein.
Example: ---- TSS ---- 5’ UTR 1 ---- Exon 1 ---- 5’ UTR 2 ---- Exon 2 ---- 5’ UTR 3 ---- Exon 3

3. Coding sequence: The coding sequence (ORF - Open Reading Frame) is completely contained within the second exon. Annotate this region within the second exon.
Example: ---- TSS ---- 5’ UTR 1 ---- Exon 1 ---- 5’ UTR 2 ---- Coding (ORF) ---- 5’ UTR 3 ---- Exon 3

4. 3’ UTR - All Regions: Annotate these regions after each exon. The 3' UTR is the region of the mRNA that is not translated into protein.
Example: ---- TSS ---- 5’ UTR 1 ---- Exon 1 ---- 5’ UTR 2 ---- Coding (ORF) ---- 3’ UTR 2 ---- Exon 2 ---- 5’ UTR 3 ---- Exon 3 ---- 3’ UTR 3

5. AATAAA sequence: The AATAAA sequence is a conserved sequence found in the 3' UTR, which plays a role in mRNA processing. However, it is not mentioned which exon it's present in, so we cannot annotate it in this case.

6. 5' Donor site: The 5' donor site is a sequence involved in splice site recognition for intron removal during RNA splicing. It is not mentioned which exons contain these sites, so we cannot annotate them in this case.

7. 3' Acceptor site: The 3' acceptor site is a sequence involved in splice site recognition for intron removal during RNA splicing. It is not mentioned which exons contain these sites, so we cannot annotate them in this case.

After following these steps, the resulting gene with annotated regions should be as follows:

---- TSS ---- 5’ UTR 1 ---- Exon 1 ---- 5’ UTR 2 ---- Coding (ORF) ---- 3’ UTR 2 ---- Exon 2 ---- 5’ UTR 3 ---- Exon 3 ---- 3’ UTR 3