d. Calculate the mean square for 1) gender, 2) marital status, 3) interaction between gender and marital status, and 4) error or within variance.

e. Calculate the F ratio for 1) gender, 2) marital status, and 3) interaction between gender and marital status.

f. Identify the critical Fs at alpha = .05 for 1) gender, 2) marital status, and 3) interaction between gender and marital status.

g. If alpha is set at .05, what conclusions can you make?

Source Sum of Squares (degrees of freedom [df]) Mean Square Fobt. Fcrit.
Gender 68.15 ? ? ? ?
Marital Status 127.37 ? ? ? ?
Gender * Marital Status (A x B) 41.90 ? ? ? ?
Error (Within) 864.82 ? ? NA NA
Total 1102.24 99 NA NA NA


a. What is/are the independent variable(s)? What is/are the dependent variable(s)?
The independent variables are gender and marital status. The dependent variable is the happiness.

b. What would be an appropriate null hypothesis? Alternate hypothesis?
Alternate hypothesis about gender can be that females will have greater happiness mean score than males. There is also an alternative hypothesis in marital status that females who are married would have lower happiness mean scores than males that are married. The Null hypothesis in both situations would be that differences would not exist.

c. What are the degrees of freedom for 1) gender, 2) marital status, 3) interaction between gender and marital status, and 4) error or within variance?
1. A-1= There are 2 groups of gender; male and female, so it would be 2-1=1 as the degree of freedom.
2. B-1= There are 3 groups for marital status; married, single, and divorced, so it would be 3-1=2 as the degree of freedom.
3. (A-1)*(B-1) = That would be the answer from gender (1)* The answer from marital status (2) which would be 1*2=2 for the degree of freedom.
4. N-AB= That would be the total number of observations which is given as N=100 minus gender*marital status. This would be; 100-6=94 for the error.

d. Calculate the mean square for 1) gender, 2) marital status, 3) interaction between gender and marital status, and 4) error or within variance.

5. Sum of squares due to effect A/degrees of freedom of effect A=____. This would be 68.15/1= 68.15 for the mean square

Calculate the means is what i found am put the answer but can't do under score

Gender (MSa):ms= SSa÷dfa=68.15= 68.150 or 68.15 2. Marital status (MSb):MS= SSb÷dfb= 127.37-2=63.685
3. Interaction of (A×B):MS=SSa.b÷df=41.90-2= 20.950 or 20.9 4. Mean square for Error(within variance): SSerror÷df=864.82÷94=92.00z or92

To calculate the mean square for gender, you need to divide the sum of squares due to gender by the degrees of freedom for gender. From the table, we can see that the sum of squares for gender is 68.15 and the degrees of freedom for gender is 1. Therefore, the mean square for gender is 68.15/1 = 68.15.

To calculate the mean square for marital status, you need to divide the sum of squares due to marital status by the degrees of freedom for marital status. From the table, we can see that the sum of squares for marital status is 127.37 and the degrees of freedom for marital status is 2. Therefore, the mean square for marital status is 127.37/2 = 63.685.

To calculate the mean square for the interaction between gender and marital status, you need to divide the sum of squares for the interaction by the degrees of freedom for the interaction. From the table, we can see that the sum of squares for the interaction is 41.90 and the degrees of freedom for the interaction is 2. Therefore, the mean square for the interaction is 41.90/2 = 20.95.

To calculate the mean square for error or within variance, you need to divide the sum of squares for error by the degrees of freedom for error. From the table, we can see that the sum of squares for error is 864.82 and the degrees of freedom for error is 94. Therefore, the mean square for error is 864.82/94 = 9.20.

Note: The degrees of freedom for error can be calculated by subtracting the degrees of freedom for gender (1) multiplied by the degrees of freedom for marital status (2) from the total degrees of freedom (99). In this case, it would be 99 - (1 * 2) = 99 - 2 = 94.