It is a 7-digit number

It has a digit 0.
The greatest digit is in the hundred thousands place.
The value of the digit 1 is 1,000,000.
The digit 6 stands for 6,000.
The value of the digit 5 is 5 ones.
The digit 8 has a value greater than 700 but less than 1,000.
The value of the digit 7 is 7 ten thousands.

What is the number?

_, _ _ _, _ _ _

1, 9 7 6, 8 0 5

Let's analyze the information given step by step to find out the number:

1. It is a 7-digit number.

2. It has a digit 0.

3. The greatest digit is in the hundred thousands place.

4. The value of the digit 1 is 1,000,000.

5. The digit 6 stands for 6,000.

6. The value of the digit 5 is 5 ones.

7. The digit 8 has a value greater than 700 but less than 1,000.

8. The value of the digit 7 is 7 ten thousands.

Based on the given information, let's start building the number:

The digit in the hundred thousands place is the greatest digit, so it must be 9.

So far, the number is 9#######.

The value of the digit 1 is 1,000,000, which means it must be the second digit in the number.

The number becomes 91######.

The digit 6 stands for 6,000, so it must be the third digit in the number.

The number becomes 916#####.

The value of the digit 5 is 5 ones, so it must be the fourth digit in the number.

The number becomes 9165####.

The digit 8 has a value greater than 700 but less than 1,000, so it must be the fifth digit in the number.

The number becomes 91658###.

The value of the digit 7 is 7 ten thousands, so it must be the sixth digit in the number.

The number becomes 916587#.

The remaining digit is 0, so it must be the seventh digit in the number.

Finally, the number is 9165870.

So, the number is 9165870.

To find the number, we can analyze the given clues and determine the value of each digit based on the information provided.

1. It is a 7-digit number.
Since the number has 7 digits, we know it will have a digit in each place value from the hundred thousands place down to the ones place.

2. It has a digit 0.
This means that one of the digits in the number is 0.

3. The greatest digit is in the hundred thousands place.
This tells us that the largest digit will be in the hundred thousands place, which is the leftmost position in a 7-digit number.

4. The value of the digit 1 is 1,000,000.
This means that there is a 1 in one of the places, and its value is 1,000,000. Since the value of the digit 1 is given, and it cannot be in the hundred thousands place (as the greatest digit is there), it must be in one of the other positions.

5. The digit 6 stands for 6,000.
According to this clue, there is a 6 in one of the places, and its value is 6,000.

6. The value of the digit 5 is 5 ones.
This clue states that there is a 5 in one of the places, and its value is equal to 5 ones, which means its value is simply 5.

7. The digit 8 has a value greater than 700 but less than 1,000.
This tells us that there is an 8 in one of the places, and its value is between 700 and 1,000.

8. The value of the digit 7 is 7 ten thousands.
This clue states that there is a 7 in one of the places, and its value is equal to 7 ten thousands, which means its value is 70,000.

By using all these clues, we can construct the 7-digit number as follows:
1_6_ _ _ _

Based on the given information, the first digit must be the largest, so it is 8:
18_ _ _ _

The digit 5 is worth 5 ones, so it is 5:
185_ _ _

The digit 8 has a value between 700 and 1,000, so it must be 800:
1858_ _

The digit 7 is worth 7 ten thousands, so it is 70,000:

The digit 1 has a value of 1,000,000, so it is 1:

Therefore, the number that satisfies all the given clues is 185,871.
