1. The teacher issued a warning to all (procrastinate) that friday would be the last chance to turn in papers.

2.The principal announced that (commence) would take place on june 16

3.(Scuttle) across the sand, the crab disappeared into the surf.

4.Will your babbling never (cessation)?

6.The writers contract (preclude) him from sending his manuscript to other publishers.

7. My view of the movie was (obstruction ) by the tall women sitting in front of me.

write the derivative in the correct from

1. procrastinators
2. commencing
3. scuttled

2, 3, 4, 6 are wrong.

2. commence



Two of Jim's answers are wrong.

sorry number 6 obstruction

sorry i don't understand what your saying

To find the correct derivative forms for the given words, you may need to apply different spelling rules. Here are the correct forms:

1. procrastinators: To form the plural of "procrastinate," you need to add the suffix "-ors" to the end of the word. Therefore, the correct derivative form is "procrastinators."

2. commencing: To form the present participle (gerund) form of "commence," you need to replace the final "e" with "-ing." Therefore, the correct derivative form is "commencing."

3. scuttled: "Scuttle" is a regular verb, so to form the past tense, you need to add "-ed" to the end. Therefore, the correct derivative form is "scuttled."

4. cessation: "Cessation" is already the correct noun form of "cease." So, it is already in the correct derivative form.

5. precluded: "Preclude" is a regular verb, so to form the past tense, you need to add "-ed" to the end. Therefore, the correct derivative form is "precluded."

6. obstruction: "Obstruction" is already the correct noun form of "obstruct." So, it is already in the correct derivative form. The incorrect form "obstructioned" does not exist.

Please note that there is no provided word for number 5, so the correct derivative form cannot be determined.