Linda has a total of 225 on 3 tests. The sum of the scores on the first and second tests exceeds her third score by 61. Her first test exceeds her second by 6 points. Find Linda's 3 test scores.

Let the scores be x, y, z.

Solve the three simultaneous equations:
x + y + z = 225
x + y = z + 61
x = y + 6

Start by substitution: x=y+6
2 y + z = 219
2 y = z + 55

et cetera...

Let's assume Linda's scores on the three tests are x, y, and z, where x is her first score, y is her second score, and z is her third score.

According to the given information:
1) x + y + z = 225 (the total of all three scores is 225).
2) x + y = z + 61 (the sum of the first and second scores exceeds her third score by 61).
3) x = y + 6 (her first score exceeds her second score by 6 points).

To find the scores, we need to solve these three equations simultaneously.

Let's start by substituting the third equation into the second equation:

(y + 6) + y = z + 61
2y + 6 = z + 61
2y = z + 55
z = 2y - 55

Now, substitute this expression for z back into the first equation:

x + y + (2y - 55) = 225
x + 3y - 55 = 225
x + 3y = 280

We have reduced the problem to two equations:

x + 3y = 280 ...(Equation 4)
2y - 55 = z ...(Equation 5)

Now, we need to find values of x, y, and z that satisfy equations 4 and 5.

To further simplify the problem, let's solve equation 4 for x:

x = 280 - 3y

Now, substitute this expression for x into equation 5:

2y - 55 = 280 - 3y

Simplify the equation:

2y + 3y = 280 + 55
5y = 335
y = 335/5
y = 67

Now, substitute y = 67 back into equation 4:

x + 3(67) = 280
x + 201 = 280
x = 280 - 201
x = 79

Finally, substitute the values of x = 79 and y = 67 back into equation 5 to find z:

2(67) - 55 = z
134 - 55 = z
z = 79

Therefore, Linda's test scores are x = 79, y = 67, and z = 79.