8 Hours + 25 Minutes

What is your question?

What Is 8 Hours + 25 Minutes = _____ Minutes

Do you know how many minutes in one hour?

(8 * 60) + 25 = _______ minutes


You're welcome.

To add 8 hours and 25 minutes together, you need to convert the minutes into hours and then perform the addition.

First, convert the 25 minutes into hours. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, divide 25 by 60:
25 minutes ÷ 60 = 0.42 hours (rounded to two decimal places)

Now, you can add the 8 hours and the converted 0.42 hours together:
8 hours + 0.42 hours = 8.42 hours

Therefore, 8 hours and 25 minutes is equal to 8.42 hours.