Write a draft paragraph about what to tell Tim about The Iroquois

What do YOU want to tell Tim about the Iroquois?

I want to tell Tim about the history of the Iroquois

Study these sites for information.




Thanks Ms.Sue for you help God blees you

You're very welcome, Ezekiel. :-)

To provide Tim with information about the Iroquois, it is important to understand their history, culture, and significant aspects. The Iroquois, also known as the Haudenosaunee, were a Native American confederacy composed of six tribes: Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, and Tuscarora. They resided in the northeastern region of North America, primarily in present-day New York state. The Iroquois had a complex social and political structure, based on a matrilineal kinship system, where descent and inheritance were traced through the female line. Notable contributions of the Iroquois include the establishment of the Great Law of Peace, a democratic constitution that served as a model for the development of the United States' constitution. Additionally, the Iroquois are known for their longhouses, wampum belts, and unique agricultural techniques, such as the "Three Sisters" cultivation method involving corn, beans, and squash. To delve deeper into the topic, it is recommended to explore historical books, academic articles, and online resources that provide in-depth insights into the rich heritage of the Iroquois people.