Working together, 5 people can finish a jigsaw puzzle in 5 hours. Ho long would it take 4 people, working at the same rate, to finish the same puzzle?

To find out how long it would take 4 people to finish the puzzle, you can use the concept of man-hours. Man-hours represent the amount of work accomplished by one person in one hour.

In this scenario, when 5 people work together for 5 hours, a total of 5 * 5 = 25 man-hours are worked on the puzzle.

Since the number of man-hours required to complete the puzzle is the same, regardless of the number of people working on it, we can say that 4 people must work for x hours to achieve the same total of 25 man-hours.

To calculate the time it would take for 4 people to complete the puzzle, we can set up the following equation:

4 * x = 25

Solving for x:

x = 25 / 4

x is approximately equal to 6.25.

Therefore, it would take 4 people around 6.25 hours to finish the same puzzle.

4/5 as many people, 5/4 as much time.

6hours 15mins