Estimate the total precipitation in inches and in days for Asheville and Wichita.

City: Inches: Days:
Ashevile,North Carolina |47.71|124

Wichita,Kansas |28.61|85

Asheville - 50 and 120

Wichita- 30 and 90

hi what ur phone #?

To estimate the total precipitation in inches and in days for Asheville and Wichita, we can use the provided data:

For Asheville, North Carolina:
- The total precipitation in inches is 47.71 inches.
- The number of days with precipitation is 124 days.

For Wichita, Kansas:
- The total precipitation in inches is 28.61 inches.
- The number of days with precipitation is 85 days.

What's the answer


Estimate the total precipitation in inches and the total number of days with precipitation for Asheville and Wichita

These are estimates.


NC = 48

K = 29


48/124 = ?

29/85 = ?