Which is one way that a freshwater wetland differs from a lake or pond?

A. water flows in a lake or pond but never flows in a wetland.
B. Wetlands are nesting areas for birds, but lakes and ponds are not.
C. Water does not always cover a wetland as it does a lake or pond.
D. Wetlands are salty, but lakes and ponds are fresh.

I think its B and C...I have found both in the lesson and suggestions??

I vote for C.

It was C....that was my gut instinct also...thanks

You're welcome. :-)

No problem


The answer is c I hope

To determine the correct answer, let's examine each option:

A. Water flows in a lake or pond but never flows in a wetland.
To verify this information, we can search for the characteristics of freshwater wetlands.

Searching for the definition and features of a freshwater wetland, we can find that wetlands are typically areas where water is present near the surface. Water flow in wetlands can vary and may depend on factors such as rainfall and local geology.

B. Wetlands are nesting areas for birds, but lakes and ponds are not.
To confirm this information, we should search for the role of wetlands as nesting areas for birds.

By researching the importance of wetlands for bird nesting, we can find that wetlands are indeed valuable habitats for many bird species. They provide nesting sites, food sources, and protection for various bird populations.

C. Water does not always cover a wetland as it does a lake or pond.
To investigate this statement, we can search for the water coverage in lakes, ponds, and wetlands.

By exploring the characteristics of lakes, ponds, and wetlands, we can find that water coverage differs among these three types of environments. Lakes and ponds typically have larger portions of their surface covered by water, while wetlands may have varying water levels, often characterized by periods of saturation and dryness.

D. Wetlands are salty, but lakes and ponds are fresh.
To verify this statement, we can search for the salinity levels of wetlands, lakes, and ponds.

By researching the salinity of these aquatic environments, we can discover that wetlands are generally freshwater habitats, while certain lakes and ponds may indeed have varying levels of salinity depending on factors such as evaporation and proximity to the ocean.

After investigating each option in light of the information presented, the correct answer is likely:

C. Water does not always cover a wetland as it does a lake or pond.

Additionally, the option B. Wetlands are nesting areas for birds, but lakes and ponds are not, is also correct.

By performing independent research and critically evaluating the information, you can confidently determine the correct answer.